PCM Food Pantry
The PCM Food Pantry is available to anyone who is struggling to get enough to eat. If you live within the bounds of the PCM School District, you are eligible. Supported by generous donations from congregations from these communities along with donations from individuals and groups, the PCM Food Pantry is available to help people get through a hard time. We are a partner agency with the Food Bank of Iowa.
The PCM Food Pantry is located at the Monroe Presbyterian Church at 113 S Main Street, Monroe, IA 50170.
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Monday 9:00am – Noon, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Thursday 9:00am-Noon
Pastor Ann Johnson – 641-330-0441
Pat Pendroy – 641-891-6763
Keep up with the latest info from the PCM Food Pantry via our Facebook Page!
The food pantry publishes a quarterly newsletter. Click the link below to download a copy of the newsletter.
08-2014 PCM Food Pantry Newsletter
05-2015 PCM Food Pantry Newsletter